Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Prevention Of Iron Deficiency - Starting From The Baby

Iron is an important element of hemoglobin and various enzymes. Whether it is infants or adults, a certain amount of iron is needed every day. Especially when children are 1 to 4 years old, the need for iron is the most common time in a person's life. Almost the demand for adult men is about 1.0 mg per day. Easy to take care of baby with EASBABY baby carriers, kids onesie pajamas, diaper bags and other baby products, all products are carefully designed to make moms easier.

Long-term iron deficiency reduces the cognitive ability of infants and young children, even after iron supplementation is difficult to recover. Such children are crying, irritable, responsive to new things, not excited about the environment, and do not like to pay attention to certain things for a long time. Because of lack of attention and persistence, they are considered to be personality disorders and mood disorders, and even considered to be ADHD. These children have lower language and operational skills than normal children when doing smart tests.
Long-term iron deficiency significantly affects physical endurance because of the iron deficiency that impairs oxidative metabolism in muscle. At the same time, immunity and anti-infective ability will also decrease. Iron deficiency anemia causes the body's ability to maintain body temperature in a cold environment to be impaired, which increases lead absorption and increases the chance of lead poisoning. So you have to correct your baby's iron deficiency anemia in time, don't leave regrets.

For exclusively breastfed children, their mothers should eat more iron-rich foods, supplement iron-containing rice flour in 6 months, and then gradually supplement iron-rich foods. For artificially fed babies, you should choose a formula that strengthens iron (the current formula is reinforced iron.)

For children diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, you should ensure that you eat more iron-rich foods, and take some vitamin C-rich fruits, vegetables or vitamin C preparations to promote iron absorption. At the same time, iron can be selected for treatment. Most iron tablets may stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, so it is recommended to take between meals. After treatment, the effect is good, but taking iron for 6-8 weeks can reach normal level, because the purpose of treatment is not only to restore hemoglobin level, but also to ensure the body's iron storage.

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Monday, October 14, 2019

Some Misunderstandings About Taking Probiotics

Probiotics are familiar to everyone. It is a kind of active microorganism beneficial to the host. It is colonized in the human intestine and reproductive system and can produce exact health effects to improve the balance of the micro-ecology of the host and play a beneficial role. A general term for active beneficial microorganisms. For those who have just become parents, they are more concerned about probiotics. Easy to take care of baby with EASBABY baby carriers, baby rompers, multifunctional diaper bag and other baby products, all products are carefully designed to make moms easier.
Probiotics are especially suitable for caesarean section, premature infants, low birth weight infants, and artificially fed children. Because these children have low immunity, they are not cold or enteritis in three days. In view of these effects of probiotics, some parents often go to the hospital to ask doctors to prescribe probiotics and go back to the baby. However, new fathers and new mothers may not know that not all babies need to take probiotics.

The functions of probiotics as main drugs are: diarrhea, functional gastrointestinal diseases. The functions used as auxiliary drugs include allergic diseases such as liver and gallbladder diseases and eczema, lactose intolerance, and inflammatory bowel diseases. And different symptoms need to use the corresponding probiotics, in order to get twice the result with half the effort. For example, lactobacilli for dyspepsia; mixed probiotics for poor immunity; bifidobacteria for diarrhea; lactobacillus rhamnosus for constipation; lactobacillus rhamnosus and bifidobacteria for eczema.

However, there are some misunderstandings about taking probiotics:

First, no disease and disease prevention and long-term use: long-term use of probiotics is also not desirable, if the human body long-term use of synthetic probiotic products, may make the intestinal function "lazy", the intestinal tract lost the ability to breed beneficial bacteria , resulting in "probiotic dependence", but over time will inhibit the recovery of the autologous intestinal flora. Therefore, if there is no indigestion, bloating, diarrhea or other factors that damage the balance of the intestinal flora, it is not recommended to ingest too much probiotic preparations for infants and young children. To truly maintain the flora in the intestines, we must rely on a balanced diet and healthy living habits.

Second, probiotics and antibiotics are taken at the same time: probiotics are also micro-organisms, taking antibiotics will hinder the absorption of probiotics, and some antibiotics will eliminate harmful bacteria and probiotics at the same time. If you need to take it at the same time, it is recommended to check the instructions for the drug, taking it at intervals of two hours. It is best not to take antibiotics for more than one week.

Third, give the child to reduce the amount: Because the child needs to take the general medicine, the number of parents need to reduce the amount of probiotics. Although the instructions allow one bag at a time, some parents start with a safety bag and only give the child half a bag or even less. In fact, this does not have much effect. Because the bacteria in the human body are small in size, but the number is so large that you can't imagine, so you can't measure them with the order of magnitude we usually use. Probiotics are usually measured in terms of “100 million”. For children, it is most appropriate to eat 5 to 15 billion probiotics each time. If the instructions clearly stipulate the dosage, parents should not reduce the amount without authorization, so as not to achieve the desired effect.

Fourth, the method of taking is not correct. Probiotics must survive in an anaerobic environment. If the probiotics are not taken away from the moment they are unpacked, the probiotics will be exposed to oxygen and will easily die. Therefore, when taking probiotics, try to open the bag and immediately wash the water, and open the bag ready to eat. After a long time, the effect of taking it is greatly reduced.

In addition, the probiotics should be prepared with warm water, the water temperature is 35 ° C ~ 40 ° C, when brewing, first adjust the water temperature, then the probiotics of the powder into the warm water to ensure the activity of the flora, after the preparation Not suitable for reheating. Don't brew with boiling water, it will "burn" the probiotics.