Friday, May 31, 2019

The Child Is Hot - Physical Cooling Can Help

There are children in the family. The parents are most worried about the child's fever, especially when it is inconvenient to seek medical treatment at home. Parents are often in a hurry. Insufficient drugs at home or relatively weak parental medical knowledge often make parents feel helpless in the face of feverish children What can parents do to help their children cool down?
Physical cooling effect is significant

1, warm water feet

Use warm water of about 35-36 °C to soak the feet of children with fever, usually 30 minutes or so can play a role in antipyretic. It is recommended to use a tub.

2, warm towel wet compress

After soaking the towel with warm water of about 30 °C, screw it to the semi-dry, spread it on the patient's chest and abdomen, expose the patient's head and limbs, and replace the towel about 10 minutes.

3, radiation cooling

Radiation cooling is the easiest way to simply open the patient's list and quilt, untie the clothes, and let them cool down.

4, add water

When the child is hot, timely replenishment of water is beneficial to the child to discharge the toxins from the body and take away excess heat from the body.

5, local cold compress

Soak the towel with cold water, screw it to the water-free state, put it on the patient's forehead, and replace the towel about 5 minutes. (This method is generally not recommended for infants and young children)

6, ice

Put ice cubes or popsicles in an ice pack, add a small amount of water, seal the ice pack, make sure that it is not leaking, wrap it in a thin towel, and place it on the forehead, underarm, neck, groin and other parts. Need to pay attention, do not apply ice to the same place for a long time to avoid frostbite. (This method is generally not recommended for infants and young children)

Parents must be calm when they find that children in their homes have fever. Fever itself is not a disease, but a self-protection reaction of the body in the invasion of the pathogen. It is a phenomenon in which the immune system resists infection. It is a process in which the body heats the central nervous system to regulate body temperature and causes heat to increase in the body.

However, if the body temperature stays high for a long time or the temperature is too high, it will affect the child's health. In severe cases, it will damage the child's intellectual development and body coordination.

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