Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Best Posture For Baby Carriers

The baby carrier is designed to save energy and facilitate the travel of the baby. A good baby carrier will mimic the parents' arms, and the best posture for carrying the baby in a vertical strap is the posture of the parents holding the baby. Easy to take care of baby with EASBABY ergonomic multifunctional baby carrier, baby rompers, diaper bags and other baby products, all products are carefully designed to make moms easier.
That is, the baby faces the parents, the legs are 90 degrees, and the frogs are stretched and squatted. The baby's weight is evenly stressed by the buttocks and thighs.

This pose looks simple, there are actually a few points that are easy to ignore, let's look at the comparison of correct posture and wrong posture:
The left picture is the wrong posture. The baby's legs and knee joints are not supported, so that all the pressure is concentrated on the hip joint, which is easy to cause hip joint dysplasia.

Therefore, a good strap design is very important for the baby's growth and development.

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