Friday, June 14, 2019

The Correct Way to Alleviate Baby Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion is the most common phenomenon in infants and young children. The baby will cause nasal congestion due to colds, flu, rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoid hypertrophy and other diseases. Easy to take care of baby with EASBABY baby carriers, baby rompers, cheap baby diaper backpack and other baby products, all products are carefully designed to make moms easier.
When the nose is stuffed, the baby's breathing is often not smooth, especially when eating milk, because the nasal cavity and the mouth are blocked at the same time, the baby will feel very uncomfortable, and in severe cases, there will be symptoms such as decreased appetite and difficulty in breathing. Therefore, mother should take the correct method to help the baby relieve nasal congestion. Mom Is Too Clean And The Baby Is Not Healthy?.

A common method is to use a saline spray or nose to remove the secretions and nasal discharge from the nasal cavity. It can be used multiple times as long as the baby accepts it. You can also use a humidifier to increase the humidity in the room, which can help relieve nasal congestion, or apply a damp and hot towel to the root of your baby's nose to make your baby breathe more smoothly.

However, it should be noted that the temperature of the towel should not exceed 49 ° C to prevent burns. If the nasal congestion affects falling asleep, the baby's head can be properly raised to relieve nasal congestion. If your baby's condition has not been alleviated, and there are persistent nasal congestion, fever, vomiting and other symptoms, do not use cold medicine, especially for children under 2 years old. Any use of the drug is best done under the guidance of a doctor. And go to the hospital for professional examination to rule out rhinitis, sinusitis and other conditions.

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