Monday, November 18, 2019

How Much Vtamin D Should Make Every Day For Baby?

Little baby sleeps at night and loves to sweat. I believe everyone has encountered it. The hair is soaked, the pillow is soaked, the clothes are soaked... The sweat is not afraid, but is it so normal for sweat? Just check it out on the Internet and say: Night sweats are caused by calcium deficiency! Must make calcium! ! !

True calcium deficiency refers to hypocalcemia caused by insufficient calcium intake or hypocalcemia due to abnormal thyroid and renal function. Therefore, whether the baby should be supplemented with calcium should be judged by the doctor after testing, rather than just by love and not sweating.

The growth rate of the baby is very fast, the demand for vitamin D is relatively large, and the vitamin D in the breast milk is relatively small, which cannot fully meet the baby's needs. Although vitamin D can be synthesized by food or by the sun, it is limited by the way of rearing and the duration and intensity of sunlight in the place of residence. (The baby's skin is less delicate than 6 months, it is not suitable to get vitamin D by sunbathing), or It is most suitable by supplementing the preparation of vitamin D.
How much vitamin D every day?

0~6 months exclusive breast milk baby:

Vitamin D400 international units should be given daily, and individual areas with insufficient sunshine can be supplemented to 600-800 international units, up to 800 international units. No additional calcium is needed.

7~12 months breast milk baby:

Vitamin D400 International Unit is added daily. Most of the food supplements are calcium-rich foods, and no extra calcium is needed.

1~3 years old is still eating breast milk baby:

Vitamin D600 international units are required daily. If the calcium content in breast milk and food is less than 600 mg, additional calcium is needed.

Easy to take care of baby with EASBABY baby carriers, baby rompers, multifunctional diaper bag and other baby products, all products are carefully designed to make moms easier

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Prevention Of Iron Deficiency - Starting From The Baby

Iron is an important element of hemoglobin and various enzymes. Whether it is infants or adults, a certain amount of iron is needed every day. Especially when children are 1 to 4 years old, the need for iron is the most common time in a person's life. Almost the demand for adult men is about 1.0 mg per day. Easy to take care of baby with EASBABY baby carriers, kids onesie pajamas, diaper bags and other baby products, all products are carefully designed to make moms easier.

Long-term iron deficiency reduces the cognitive ability of infants and young children, even after iron supplementation is difficult to recover. Such children are crying, irritable, responsive to new things, not excited about the environment, and do not like to pay attention to certain things for a long time. Because of lack of attention and persistence, they are considered to be personality disorders and mood disorders, and even considered to be ADHD. These children have lower language and operational skills than normal children when doing smart tests.
Long-term iron deficiency significantly affects physical endurance because of the iron deficiency that impairs oxidative metabolism in muscle. At the same time, immunity and anti-infective ability will also decrease. Iron deficiency anemia causes the body's ability to maintain body temperature in a cold environment to be impaired, which increases lead absorption and increases the chance of lead poisoning. So you have to correct your baby's iron deficiency anemia in time, don't leave regrets.

For exclusively breastfed children, their mothers should eat more iron-rich foods, supplement iron-containing rice flour in 6 months, and then gradually supplement iron-rich foods. For artificially fed babies, you should choose a formula that strengthens iron (the current formula is reinforced iron.)

For children diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, you should ensure that you eat more iron-rich foods, and take some vitamin C-rich fruits, vegetables or vitamin C preparations to promote iron absorption. At the same time, iron can be selected for treatment. Most iron tablets may stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, so it is recommended to take between meals. After treatment, the effect is good, but taking iron for 6-8 weeks can reach normal level, because the purpose of treatment is not only to restore hemoglobin level, but also to ensure the body's iron storage.

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Monday, October 14, 2019

Some Misunderstandings About Taking Probiotics

Probiotics are familiar to everyone. It is a kind of active microorganism beneficial to the host. It is colonized in the human intestine and reproductive system and can produce exact health effects to improve the balance of the micro-ecology of the host and play a beneficial role. A general term for active beneficial microorganisms. For those who have just become parents, they are more concerned about probiotics. Easy to take care of baby with EASBABY baby carriers, baby rompers, multifunctional diaper bag and other baby products, all products are carefully designed to make moms easier.
Probiotics are especially suitable for caesarean section, premature infants, low birth weight infants, and artificially fed children. Because these children have low immunity, they are not cold or enteritis in three days. In view of these effects of probiotics, some parents often go to the hospital to ask doctors to prescribe probiotics and go back to the baby. However, new fathers and new mothers may not know that not all babies need to take probiotics.

The functions of probiotics as main drugs are: diarrhea, functional gastrointestinal diseases. The functions used as auxiliary drugs include allergic diseases such as liver and gallbladder diseases and eczema, lactose intolerance, and inflammatory bowel diseases. And different symptoms need to use the corresponding probiotics, in order to get twice the result with half the effort. For example, lactobacilli for dyspepsia; mixed probiotics for poor immunity; bifidobacteria for diarrhea; lactobacillus rhamnosus for constipation; lactobacillus rhamnosus and bifidobacteria for eczema.

However, there are some misunderstandings about taking probiotics:

First, no disease and disease prevention and long-term use: long-term use of probiotics is also not desirable, if the human body long-term use of synthetic probiotic products, may make the intestinal function "lazy", the intestinal tract lost the ability to breed beneficial bacteria , resulting in "probiotic dependence", but over time will inhibit the recovery of the autologous intestinal flora. Therefore, if there is no indigestion, bloating, diarrhea or other factors that damage the balance of the intestinal flora, it is not recommended to ingest too much probiotic preparations for infants and young children. To truly maintain the flora in the intestines, we must rely on a balanced diet and healthy living habits.

Second, probiotics and antibiotics are taken at the same time: probiotics are also micro-organisms, taking antibiotics will hinder the absorption of probiotics, and some antibiotics will eliminate harmful bacteria and probiotics at the same time. If you need to take it at the same time, it is recommended to check the instructions for the drug, taking it at intervals of two hours. It is best not to take antibiotics for more than one week.

Third, give the child to reduce the amount: Because the child needs to take the general medicine, the number of parents need to reduce the amount of probiotics. Although the instructions allow one bag at a time, some parents start with a safety bag and only give the child half a bag or even less. In fact, this does not have much effect. Because the bacteria in the human body are small in size, but the number is so large that you can't imagine, so you can't measure them with the order of magnitude we usually use. Probiotics are usually measured in terms of “100 million”. For children, it is most appropriate to eat 5 to 15 billion probiotics each time. If the instructions clearly stipulate the dosage, parents should not reduce the amount without authorization, so as not to achieve the desired effect.

Fourth, the method of taking is not correct. Probiotics must survive in an anaerobic environment. If the probiotics are not taken away from the moment they are unpacked, the probiotics will be exposed to oxygen and will easily die. Therefore, when taking probiotics, try to open the bag and immediately wash the water, and open the bag ready to eat. After a long time, the effect of taking it is greatly reduced.

In addition, the probiotics should be prepared with warm water, the water temperature is 35 ° C ~ 40 ° C, when brewing, first adjust the water temperature, then the probiotics of the powder into the warm water to ensure the activity of the flora, after the preparation Not suitable for reheating. Don't brew with boiling water, it will "burn" the probiotics.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Breastfeeding - How Do You Know That Your Baby Is Full?

I am exclusively breastfed, but I don't know how much breast milk the child should eat every meal. How can I observe if my child is full?
In the neonatal stage, you usually breastfeed 8 to 12 times a day, at least one breast at a time. At the same time, you can hear the swallowing sound while rhythm and sucking. You can urinate 8 to 10 times every 24 hours, and the stool is at least 3 to 4 times a day. Yellow paste, the child can sleep for 2 to 3 hours after each breastfeeding, the child grows 125 grams per week, and the weight gain is greater than 600 grams at the full moon. If the child meets the above conditions, it means that the child's breast milk is enough.

After 4 months, the child gradually establishes the inner biological clock. The living, feeding and so on begin to be regular. Generally, it can be fed once every 3~3.5 hours. Every day, 6 or more diapers are wet, and each time after eating the milk, it is satisfied. The expression is up to standard and the growth curve rises steadily. These indicate that the child is full.

Easy to take care of baby with EASBABY breastfeeding baby carrier, baby rompers, diaper bags and other baby products, all products are carefully designed to make moms easier.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

What We Can Do When Baby Learning To Walk

Many adults think that only this way, the baby will go better and more stable. In fact, this is a thankless thing. The adults have back pains and tiredness. For the baby, they have not been properly guided and limit their development. Easy to take care of baby with EASBABY ergonomic multifunctional baby carrier, baby rompers, diaper bags and other baby products, all products are carefully designed to make moms easier.
1. Taking the baby to walk, it is easy to form the wrong walking habits of the baby, such as walking on the ground;

2, holding the baby to walk, easy to cause damage to the baby's bones, adults do not pay attention to the baby's arm fracture or dislocation;

3, adults take the baby to walk, is not conducive to the development of the baby's vestibular balance ability;

4, the excessive intervention of parents, easy to make the baby's dependence will be stronger.

Can't take the baby to walk, how to train? For most babies, learning to walk does not require deliberate training. Any deliberate training is harmful.

What We Can Do When Baby Learning To Walk

1, to ensure the safety of the baby's surrounding environment

It is necessary to stick the anti-collision strip around the table, and be careful not to let hot drinks or glasses on the table. Check the sockets and wires in your home and take the hanging wires out of the reach of your baby. If there is a staircase at home, remember to install a security gate at the top and bottom of the stairs. The pot handle on the stove must be placed inward. The toilet lid at home must be covered, and there is really a baby falling down in the toilet.

2, walking barefoot as much as possible

Walking barefoot can help him improve his balance and coordination, as well as gain grip. So in an indoor environment (no cold environment), encourage your baby to walk barefoot. You can also take your baby to the outdoor lawn to practice, because the lawn can play a cushioning role when the baby falls, and learning to walk on a less smooth lawn helps to develop a sense of balance.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How To Measure Body Temperature For Your Child?

For children to measure body temperature, according to the location of the collection temperature, there are five methods: including measuring temperature, ear temperature, forehead temperature, mouth temperature and rectal temperature.
There are at least three measuring tools: a mercury thermometer, an electronic thermometer, and an infrared thermometer. With so many options, I can't help but think of the fear of being dominated by various connection questions while reading. Although the most accurate way to measure the core temperature is to measure the anus temperature, measuring the anus temperature is troublesome and can cause discomfort to the child. The child crying and twisting can easily cause the thermometer to invade the injury. Therefore, it is not recommended for routine use in the home, generally only in the hospital. Medical staff operations. It is unhealthy and unsafe to measure the temperature of your baby. Especially if you use mercury (the content is mercury) thermometer, accidental rupture can also cause mercury poisoning, so this method is not recommended. As for the temperature of the forehead, since the surface temperature of the forehead is greatly affected by the external environment, the accuracy is not very high, and it is usually used only in the general survey of the human body temperature in the public place and the initial screening. Therefore, the way for families to measure their body temperature is to detect phlegm and ear temperature! Measuring temperature is the most widely used method for measuring body temperature. You can use a traditional mercury thermometer or an electronic thermometer. Compared with mercury thermometers, electronic thermometers are convenient and accurate. There are also soft-head electronic thermometers for small babies. Soft temperature probes are safer. Measuring ear temperature is the most convenient and convenient way to monitor daily body temperature. It needs to use a special infrared ear thermometer, although the price is more expensive than the electronic thermometer (more expensive than the mercury thermometer), but for infants, Measuring the ear temperature takes into account the factors of fastness, accuracy, safety, etc., especially for those children who are active, easy to cry, and who are not willing to quiet down, only need to close the ear canal skin and press the detection button, the body temperature can be quickly displayed. It is simply a life-saving straw for the "bear children" parents. However, it should be noted that it is best to collect the ear temperature after multiple measurements (at least 3 times) and then take the average value, which can improve the accuracy of the measurement.

Precautions when measuring your body temperature:

◆ Before measuring body temperature, do not let the child cry and vigorously move, so as not to affect the measurement results.

◆ Wipe and disinfect with alcohol before using the thermometer. Rinse with water or soapy water after use, and dry it for later use.

◆ When measuring temperature, freely move the thermometer, do not clamp the thermometer, or the child's fat is too thick, it will affect the accuracy of the measurement.

◆ When the ear temperature is measured, the baby has ear disease or excessive secretion of the external auditory canal, which will affect the measurement accuracy.

◆ Before using the mercury thermometer to measure the body temperature, restore the display to below 35 °C. If the mercury thermometer is accidentally broken and eaten, immediately feed a large amount of milk and send it to the hospital. The protein in the milk will combine with mercury (mercury) to delay the absorption of mercury.

Easy to take care of baby with EASBABY baby carriers, kids spider gwen cosplay costume, diaper bags and other baby products, all products are carefully designed to make moms easier.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

0-3 Years Old - How Many Times Is It Best To Sleep During The Day?

Getting your baby to sleep can be a simple matter, sometimes even difficult. Why don’t you want to sleep, isn’t the baby going to feel it? The baby doesn't look sleepy at all. Is it not necessary to take a nap during the day? Many mothers are so confused. Easy to take care of baby with EASBABY ergonomic multifunctional baby carrier, baby rompers, diaper bags and other baby products, all products are carefully designed to make moms easier.
So, this is about the daytime nap of a 0-3 year old baby. The article covers:

0-3 years old, how many times do you sleep during the day?

And what month is it usually occurring?

What signs suggest that you may want to know?

0-3 years old, how many times is it best to sleep during the day?

Babies 0-3 years old, their sleep will change with growth and development. Although each baby's sleep needs and characteristics will be different, but we can still find some general rules.

0-4 months old

At 0-4 months of age, babies need about 14-17 hours of sleep a day. During the small months of age, such as within 3 months of age, babies usually do not have any clear sleep characteristics, and they spend almost every day in constant feeding and naps. Generally, after 4 months of age, the baby's sleep patterns will gradually become clearer.

As a general reference, babies 0-3 months old need 4-5 naps during the day. At around 4 months of age, it may show a relatively regular four naps during the day.

The duration of a nap during the day is usually between 30 minutes and 2 hours. Many mothers are troubled by the problem of taking a nap during the day. In fact, as long as the baby falls asleep for more than 30 minutes, it is difficult to succeed, and the baby looks good after 30 minutes of sleep. In fact, the baby can get up and do not need to force the baby to sleep for more than 1 hour each time.

5-8 months old

As the waking hours between the two children's naps increased, the number of naps during the day slowly changed to three times. Of course, there are also a small number of babies who have two naps during the day at this age. These babies usually have two long sleeps.

9-15 months old

In this month's age range, most babies sleep 2 times a day and sleep once in the morning and afternoon.

15-36 months old

Starting from about 15 months of age, most babies only need to take a nap during the day to get a nap, usually between 1-3 hours.

This type of sleep usually lasts until after 3-4 years of age. According to relevant statistics, by the age of 4, about 50% of children will no longer take a nap. By the age of 5, most children do not take a nap.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Best Posture For Baby Carriers

The baby carrier is designed to save energy and facilitate the travel of the baby. A good baby carrier will mimic the parents' arms, and the best posture for carrying the baby in a vertical strap is the posture of the parents holding the baby. Easy to take care of baby with EASBABY ergonomic multifunctional baby carrier, baby rompers, diaper bags and other baby products, all products are carefully designed to make moms easier.
That is, the baby faces the parents, the legs are 90 degrees, and the frogs are stretched and squatted. The baby's weight is evenly stressed by the buttocks and thighs.

This pose looks simple, there are actually a few points that are easy to ignore, let's look at the comparison of correct posture and wrong posture:
The left picture is the wrong posture. The baby's legs and knee joints are not supported, so that all the pressure is concentrated on the hip joint, which is easy to cause hip joint dysplasia.

Therefore, a good strap design is very important for the baby's growth and development.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Baby Is Easy To Catch Fever In The Summer - How To Do

Summer is hot and the weak baby is prone to colds and fever. Experts remind that cold is a common disease in children, it needs symptomatic treatment, and physical cooling methods like alcohol wiping are not advisable.

According to experts, if the child's body temperature is below 38.5 °C, physical cooling treatment such as warm water rubbing bath can be used. If the child's temperature rises significantly, more than 38.5 ° C, accompanied by irritability, fatigue, general malaise and other symptoms, oral antipyretics are required. Easy to take care of baby with EASBABY baby carriers, baby girl onesies, diaper bags and other baby products, all products are carefully designed to make moms easier.
"It is important to note that if the child has an oral fever, if he has a fever again, he should take it at least 4 to 6 hours apart." Hu Lan said that the antipyretic can only temporarily relieve the symptoms. If the child has continuous fever for more than 3 days, repeated fever is not easy to get rid of heat, or accompanied by poor mental condition, poor appetite, sudden seizures, etc., should go to the hospital in time.

Experts advise that when physically cooling the child, the bath can be warmed with warm water, but the water temperature should not be too high or too low, preferably between 32 ° C and 34 ° C. When wiping the bath in warm water, avoid wiping the parts of the chest, abdomen, back neck, and foot that are sensitive to cold irritation. For the armpits, elbows, armpits, and groin, the wiping time may be extended.

At the same time, do not use alcohol to wipe, because the child's skin is very tender, alcohol allergy may occur. Children with colds should pay attention to add water. Especially when the child has high fever, the breathing increases, and a lot of sweating will cause the child to lose a lot of water. At this time, supplementing enough water can increase the amount of urine and promote the discharge of toxins from the body.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Tips For Baby Away From Summer Diarrhea

In summer, in addition to heat stroke, the most annoying thing may be diarrhea. Intestinal diseases mainly characterized by diarrhea, mainly manifested as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms, may be accompanied by symptoms such as body aches, fever, severe dehydration, coma, and even shock.

In summer, the temperature and humidity are high, and the pathogenic microorganisms multiply rapidly, which greatly increases the chance of food being contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms, and is easy to cause foodborne diseases. Easy to take care of baby with EASBABY baby carriers, baby onesies cheap, diaper bags and other baby products, all products are carefully designed to make moms easier.
Tips for away from summer diarrhea

First: Try to eat fresh food and avoid eating moldy and degraded food.

Second: raw vegetables and fruits should be washed, preferably placed under a flowing stream of water to clean, food production and storage should be cooked separately.

Third: the food should be thoroughly heated to make the temperature of the food center reach 70 ° C or above; if it is not eaten (cooked cooked), it should be stored in the refrigerator freezer and kept below 4 °C. Before eating again, be sure to heat it thoroughly and reheat and heat it before eating all kinds of cooked meat products. Children Should Be Alert To Myopia In These Situations.

Fourth: When eating edible products such as snails, shells, crabs, etc., it is unsafe to eat raw, half-cooked, wine, vinegar or salted, especially for people with low immunity to avoid raw food. the way.

Fifth: To buy food in a regular supermarket or market, and pay attention to the label date of production date, shelf life, storage conditions. Do not eat food that exceeds the shelf life. If the package of canned food is bulged or deformed, it should not be eaten.

Sixth: If you go out to eat, you should choose a regular restaurant, not to eat in restaurants and mobile vendors.

Seventh: Pay attention to the sanitation of drinking water, drink drinking water after boiling, do not drink raw water.

Eighth: If there are gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting, it is recommended to go to the intestine clinic for medical treatment in time, and do not use antibiotics and antidiarrheal drugs to treat them without authorization. At the same time, do a good job of isolating from other people, disinfecting used utensils, toilets, etc., to avoid transmission to others.

Friday, June 14, 2019

The Correct Way to Alleviate Baby Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion is the most common phenomenon in infants and young children. The baby will cause nasal congestion due to colds, flu, rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoid hypertrophy and other diseases. Easy to take care of baby with EASBABY baby carriers, baby rompers, cheap baby diaper backpack and other baby products, all products are carefully designed to make moms easier.
When the nose is stuffed, the baby's breathing is often not smooth, especially when eating milk, because the nasal cavity and the mouth are blocked at the same time, the baby will feel very uncomfortable, and in severe cases, there will be symptoms such as decreased appetite and difficulty in breathing. Therefore, mother should take the correct method to help the baby relieve nasal congestion. Mom Is Too Clean And The Baby Is Not Healthy?.

A common method is to use a saline spray or nose to remove the secretions and nasal discharge from the nasal cavity. It can be used multiple times as long as the baby accepts it. You can also use a humidifier to increase the humidity in the room, which can help relieve nasal congestion, or apply a damp and hot towel to the root of your baby's nose to make your baby breathe more smoothly.

However, it should be noted that the temperature of the towel should not exceed 49 ° C to prevent burns. If the nasal congestion affects falling asleep, the baby's head can be properly raised to relieve nasal congestion. If your baby's condition has not been alleviated, and there are persistent nasal congestion, fever, vomiting and other symptoms, do not use cold medicine, especially for children under 2 years old. Any use of the drug is best done under the guidance of a doctor. And go to the hospital for professional examination to rule out rhinitis, sinusitis and other conditions.

Friday, May 31, 2019

The Child Is Hot - Physical Cooling Can Help

There are children in the family. The parents are most worried about the child's fever, especially when it is inconvenient to seek medical treatment at home. Parents are often in a hurry. Insufficient drugs at home or relatively weak parental medical knowledge often make parents feel helpless in the face of feverish children What can parents do to help their children cool down?
Physical cooling effect is significant

1, warm water feet

Use warm water of about 35-36 °C to soak the feet of children with fever, usually 30 minutes or so can play a role in antipyretic. It is recommended to use a tub.

2, warm towel wet compress

After soaking the towel with warm water of about 30 °C, screw it to the semi-dry, spread it on the patient's chest and abdomen, expose the patient's head and limbs, and replace the towel about 10 minutes.

3, radiation cooling

Radiation cooling is the easiest way to simply open the patient's list and quilt, untie the clothes, and let them cool down.

4, add water

When the child is hot, timely replenishment of water is beneficial to the child to discharge the toxins from the body and take away excess heat from the body.

5, local cold compress

Soak the towel with cold water, screw it to the water-free state, put it on the patient's forehead, and replace the towel about 5 minutes. (This method is generally not recommended for infants and young children)

6, ice

Put ice cubes or popsicles in an ice pack, add a small amount of water, seal the ice pack, make sure that it is not leaking, wrap it in a thin towel, and place it on the forehead, underarm, neck, groin and other parts. Need to pay attention, do not apply ice to the same place for a long time to avoid frostbite. (This method is generally not recommended for infants and young children)

Parents must be calm when they find that children in their homes have fever. Fever itself is not a disease, but a self-protection reaction of the body in the invasion of the pathogen. It is a phenomenon in which the immune system resists infection. It is a process in which the body heats the central nervous system to regulate body temperature and causes heat to increase in the body.

However, if the body temperature stays high for a long time or the temperature is too high, it will affect the child's health. In severe cases, it will damage the child's intellectual development and body coordination.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Newborn Care - Mom Should Remembers These 4 Points

Newborns are too delicate, and mothers who have no experience may not know how to care, and they are afraid to take care of their children, hurt their children, and affect their physical development. Especially in the critical period of the first three months after the birth of the newborn, there are more places to pay attention to in terms of nursing. If you want to care for your baby, it is necessary for mothers to do more homework. The newborn is less than three months old, and Mommy keeps in mind these four points of care, which is more beneficial to the child's development. More

Newborn bones are soft, hold children as little as possible, and can’t hold them upright

After the newborn is born, the bones are very soft. If the child is hugged when holding the child, the child's bones are under too much pressure and are easily injured. Therefore, they should not be hung vertically, but should be tilted and hung. And the baby's spine is not stereotyped, this time is still straight, not suitable for too many to hug up, when there is nothing to try to hold the child as little as possible, the child crying and screaming children, you can also try to lie in bed.

Cannot use pillows for the first three months of the newborn

The current family is very fond of children, and they are especially willing to buy things for their children. Some children have not yet been born, they have already bought back the baby pillow. Bao Ma should keep in mind this point of care. When the newborn is less than three months old, the pillow cannot be used. At this time, the child's spine is still straight. About three months later, the physiological bending will begin, and the pillow will be used too early. Child development. At this time, the baby sleeps, just under the head, just put a towel that is about the same thickness as the clothes.

Newborn spitting milk is very common, don't shake your baby after feeding

The treasure mothers will always feel very distressed when they see the baby spit milk. Some treasure moms will shake the baby, thinking that this will make the baby feel better. In fact, neonatal spitting milk is a very common phenomenon. As the child grows up, it will disappear. Shaking when spitting milk is a wrong way. It will make the child more uncomfortable and may also increase the spit and Spilled milk. At this time, Mommy can pick up the baby and let the baby gently lean on the arm or shoulder and gently tap the baby's back.

The umbilical cord needs cleaning, but it cannot be rubbed by hand.

The fetus is connected to the mother through the umbilical cord. After birth, the umbilical cord needs to be cut off. After the cut, there is a wound that needs to be slowly turned into a navel. The umbilical cord of the newborn needs care, but it can't be used casually. In normal times, you should avoid dirty parts in this area to avoid water. When you need to clean, you can use a cotton swab and iodine to gently wipe. Do not rub this part with your hands after the umbilical cord has fallen off. Rinse gently with warm water during bathing to avoid injury to your child.